Table Scraps: The Nature of the Seeker Sensitive/Purpose Driven Church

What is the Nature of the Seeker Sensitive and the Purpose Driven Church? What ideologies back the movement? Is it compatible with historic Christianity? Chris Rosebrough of Fighting for the Faith and Pirate Christian Radio draws lines to the historic philosophies that are behind these church growth methods.

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Show #7: Who Wants to be a Theologian?

Today on Table Talk Radio Evan and Pr Wolfmueller began by playing "Who Want to be a Theologian" followed by "Which Ladder" with special guest Rev. Randy Golter, District President of the Rocky Mountain District of the LCMS. After that, they continue by playing Church Father or.....? Lastly, Rev. Hans Fiene of Mount Calvary Lutheran Church in Denver steps in the Studio to discuss Adolf Koberle's Quest for Holiness.

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